Connecting smallholder agricultural systems to de-centralised and centralised processing and manufacturing through to markets is both a skill and a passion for Pradeepto...
In 2024 Sjaak de Klein joined the executive team of the Coconut Knowledge Center. Sjaak has lived and worked in Southeast Asia for over 25 years and ...
Dr Samosir is a founding member of CKC and holds a number of senior professional positions within the palm industry, a published academic and leads CKC research...
Teacher, mentor and career central banker with Reserve Bank of India, Prabir was instrumental in shaping policy and execution across three plus decades that ...
David Lobo, is Chairman of the Deejay group and commenced research into Coconut Breeding in 1983, and today Deejay Farms is the largest Hybrid Coconut Breeding ...
Dr Dan Etherington AM, is a founding member of CKC and has a legacy of contribution to coconut. His studies of the coconut industries in Asia, Africa & the South Pacific ...
Coconut Pioneers
Gordon F. De Silva
Currently managing director of joint venture Serendipol Pvt Ltd, with US-based Dr Bronner’s Magic Soaps to provide organic and fair-trade coconut oil for cosmetic manufacture...
From the ground-up Christian has led Lionheart Farms to establish a large-scale integrated coconut plantation and processing facility in Southern Palawan...
CKC is comprised of experts and organisations driving innovation to enhance coconut palm productivity and sustainability upstream. We work to evidence the valuable role of coconut palm in global food security and renewable energy by developing and implementing solutions.